A Bronze ITAP subscription gives you access to highly sought after IT strategy expertise, when you need it most. stratITgy's Bronze ITAP subscription includes 90 units^ per 12 month term. The price quoted is annual before GST, and paid upfront. Please see terms and conditions for more details.
Bronze Subscription to ITAP
ITAP - IT Advisory Panel
IT Advice, On Tap
stratITgy is an award winning IT strategy consultancy with highly sought after expertise. stratITgy's Bronze ITAP subscription gives you access to this expertise, when you need it most. Rather than draw up a special engagement each time a need arises, you will have an open engagement for the term. Queries can be made at any time during the term.
For $10K, over a 12 month term, you will have access to 90 units^.
Please see our Terms and Conditions for details of this agreement. Payment is to be made annually, upfront.
^ Units = 15 minute interval
See our ITAP brochure for more information.
Comparison table for ITAP subscriptions:
Cost Units Platinum $80K 720 Gold $40K 360 Silver $20K 180 Bronze $10K 90 Prices are in AUD and do not include GST. Subscription must be paid upfront annually. All terms are 12 months.
Included: On tap advice when you need it; Queries at any time in the term; Roll-over unused units into one subsequent year (not available for Bronze).
# Partner level subscription details are negotiated in discussion with stratITgy, with interim CIO at a rate of $15K per week and interim IT manager at a rate of $12.5K per week.
This Terms Of Engagement (Engagement) outlines the terms of acceptance for an ITAP Subscription, it supersedes all previous versions in full and is bound by our terms and conditions in our "Trading Terms and Conditions", found here.
Our team:
Our resources are subject to our Trading Terms and Conditions.
Our approach is proprietary confidential and remains the property of stratITgy. All templates and frameworks provided during the Engagement remain the property of stratITgy, however the Client is free to use any templates during the Engagement.
Fee schedule:
Our fees for this Engagement are outlined on our ITAP Subscriptions page and are subject to our Trading Terms and Conditions. Our Fees exclude GST. Our fees are invoiced at the beginning of each Term. All Subscriptions only commence upon payment of the Subscription fee.
The Initial Term is twelve months and the Subscription will automatically renew at the end of the Term unless written notice to terminate is provided at least 90 days prior to the end of the Term.
Thank you for your business. Please indicate your acceptance of these Terms of Engagement by checking the Agreement box during the Checkout process.Please contact us at; 1300 stratITgy or info@stratITgy.com if you have any questions.