Case Studies
View a selection of stratITgy's success stories across various industries and company sizes.
Insurance / Finance | Corporate | Australia |
Listed Company | Engaged by CEO
Case Study 4 - IT Review & IT Strategy
Aged Care | Services / Corporate | NSW |
Listed Company | Engaged by Board
Case Study 7 - IT Transformation
Manufacturing, Wholesale & Distribution | Multinational | Privately Owned | Engaged by MD
Case Study 2 - IT Transformation & Executive Resources
Insurance / Finance | Corporate | Australia |
Listed Company | Engaged by MD
Case Study 5 - IT Enterprise Architecture
Infrastructure / Transport | Australia |
Listed Company | Engaged by CIO
Case Study 8 - IT Strategy, IT Architecture, Vendor Review
Retail | Multinational | Privately Owned |
Engaged by CEO
Health & Aged Care | National | Privately Owned | Engaged by Private Equity Owners
Case Study 3 - Vendor Selection
Retail / Distribution | Corporate / B2B | Multinational | Listed Company | Engaged by CIO
Case Study 6 - IT Review & IT Strategy
Manufacturing, Wholesale & Distribution | Multinational | Privately Owned | Engaged by MD
Case Study 9 - IT Strategy (BI) & Vendor Selection
Professional Services | Global | Listed Company | Engaged by CIO
Case Study 12 - Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity Planning
Retail FMCG | National | Privately Owned | Engaged by MD
See more information on the industries we cover:
Case Study 1 - IT Strategy
Insurance / Finance | Corporate | Australia | Listed Company | Engaged by CEO
The case: Our client was spending above the industry benchmark on their IT capability, however, their systems, people and processes were not meeting business expectations in terms of the ability to service clients, their process automation, IT service levels or IT project delivery.
stratITgy's achievements: We undertook a comprehensive IT review of the business applications, IT infrastructure, the IT team, including governance and IT processes (against best practise). This review then provided a 3 year IT strategy with concise recommendations as to how to improve the weaknesses, including a current IT enterprise architecture and a comprehensive roadmap to move towards the target enterprise architecture. The IT roadmap incorporated a fully costed plan with objectives, resource requirements, priorities and a timeline.
Case Study 2 - IT Transformation & Executive Resources
Insurance / Finance | Corporate | Australia | Listed Company | Engaged by MD
The case: Our client’s IT capability was poor: projects were being descoped to meet budget and timelines; business applications were inadequate and outdated; the business was compensating with workarounds; and additional headcount and costs were blowing out, eroding profit.
stratITgy's achievements: At the client's request, we provided interim IT leadership, including the CIO for 9 months to repair the IT culture, rebuild the internal IT talent, guide the business through a robust business systems selection process, outsource the whole IT infrastructure layer and align IT processes to best practise.
Case Study 3 - Vendor Selection
Retail / Distribution | Corporate / B2B | Multinational | Listed Company | Engaged by CIO
The case: Our client required objective oversight and a robust process to help them select an enterprise wide omni-channel platform to fend off competition in their market place.
stratITgy's achievements: stratITgy guided our client through a transparent, robust vendor selection process that utilised our quick start RFT (request for tender) templates. We worked with the client over a six month process to help them identify the right solution, confirm the vendor implementation plan was robust, negotiate costs and contract terms and satisfy the board’s due diligence requirements.
Case Study 4 - IT Review & IT Strategy
Aged Care | Services / Corporate | NSW | Listed Company | Engaged by Board
The case: Our client’s IT capability was not meeting their needs including impacting their ability to care for their patients, in some cases lives were at risk.
stratITgy's achievements: We undertook a comprehensive IT review which included the internal IT capability, their application and technology layer, IT processes and the vendor landscape. Our report included a dozen key recommendations including documentation of their current and target enterprise architecture and a recommendation to go to market to find a new Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) provider to replace the incumbent, who was gouging and defrauding our client. We assisted our client through a robust and transparent process to select a new provider. Today our client is extremely happy with the improved IT service levels, lower costs and lower risk.
Case Study 5 - IT Enterprise Architecture
Infrastructure / Transport | Australia | Listed Company | Engaged by CIO
The case: Our client’s IT enterprise architecture was complex and badly documented which was inhibiting their ability to understand how new software purchases would impact the rest of the business. In addition, IT costs were too high, as was their risk.
stratITgy's achievements: We undertook a review of their internal IT architecture team (being more than a dozen people) and produced a report which included;
1. Documentation of the current and target enterprise architectures for applications, information and data
2. Recommendations to improve the team composition and structure
3. Recommendations to resolve business engagement, governance and process issues
4. A clear plan to affect change across the whole IT team and the business
Case Study 6 - IT Review & IT Strategy
Manufacturing, Wholesale & Distribution | Multinational | Privately Owned | Engaged by MD
The case: Our client’s IT team was unresponsive to business needs and incapable of delivering IT projects. Further, their costs were too high and unplanned outages were commonplace. Our client requested we review their IT applications, infrastructure, their IT team’s capability and their vendors.
stratITgy's achievements: Our review of six weeks identified a dozen key issues along with corresponding recommendations, costings and a timeline to resolve each issue. We also compiled documentation of the current IT enterprise architecture and a comprehensive roadmap for a target enterprise architecture.
Case Study 7 - IT Transformation
Manufacturing, Wholesale & Distribution | Multinational | Privately Owned | Engaged by MD
The case: Following an IT review, our client requested we lead the transformation of their IT capability.
stratITgy's achievements: We provided senior people to take over the leadership of our client's IT team and worked with their HR department to exit the poor performers, being more than 50% of the incumbent team. Our IT transformation was completed in nine months and we assisted our client to recruit a long term CIO to lead them through the remainder of the recommendations in our IT strategy.
Case Study 8 - IT Strategy, IT Architecture, Vendor Review
Retail | Multinational | Privately Owned | Engaged by CEO
The case: Our client had a large ERP project that had gone off the rails due to their overseas supplier not delivering outcomes on time or within budget. Their internal IT capability was also performing badly in relation to support, IT project delivery and managing their budget.
stratITgy's achievements: We undertook an objective review of the clients ongoing ERP implementation and provided an unbiased and concise set of recommendations to move forward. Our report included a three year IT strategy outlining the target applications architecture, a roadmap for reaching this target, resource requirements and costings. The client adopted our recommendations, changed direction and upgraded to the latest version of their ERP in the cloud. Our approach proved to offer more functionality, was faster and cheaper than their previous trajectory.
Case Study 9 - IT Strategy (BI) & Vendor Selection
Professional Services | Global | Listed Company | Engaged by CIO
The case: Our client had six different business intelligence (BI) reporting platforms highlighting inconsistent reporting and data that caused significant reconciliation issues. Our client requested a strategy to fix this problem which consolidated and improved the accuracy of their reporting.
stratITgy's achievements: We built an enterprise reporting architecture which spanned the global group which was accepted by all business unit general managers and back office stakeholders. Following our initial success our client requested our assistance to run a formal tender in the marketplace to find a provider to implement the new BI strategy. We worked with them to compile the tender documents, we engaged vendors and facilitated the selection and negotiation process. We built a robust business case which received board approval and the project was initiated through to completion within twelve months.
Case Study 10 - IT Enterprise Architecture
Utilities | Global | Listed Company | Engaged by CIO
The case: stratITgy was engaged to build an enterprise application, integration and data architecture for the ANZ region of a Global Utilities company. Our client was hesitant to proceed with three very large projects until some strategic decisions were made regarding their technology platform. Internal debate was going around in circles due to platform bias so they engaged stratITgy to provide expert, objective recommendations.
stratITgy's achievements: We built an enterprise architecture for applications, integration and data. We provided our client strategic answers to their questions and they agreed with our analysis and conclusions. We achieved broad consensus around our recommendations and the client was able to move forward with the three strategic projects.
stratITgy can help you define the light on the hill that everyone can move towards, eliminating circular debate and unnecessary delays.
Case Study 11 - IT Strategy & Business Review
Health & Aged Care | National | Privately Owned | Engaged by Private Equity Owners
The case: The private equity owners of a national healthcare company were not satisfied that a business case contained enough information to make a decision. The initiative was critical to increasing market share and was the largest IT project our client had ever undertaken. They engaged stratITgy to review the whole project and provide an expert, objective recommendation on how to proceed.
stratITgy's achievements: We analysed the objectives, the solution, the work plan, resourcing, financials, and vendor contracts. We provided multiple recommendations and a clear pathway with thirty five steps to achieve a green light. The client then engaged stratITgy to help the project team deliver those steps and the project proceeded with the enthusiastic sponsorship of the executive and the board.
stratITgy can help get your IT initiative over the line.
Case Study 12 - Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity Planning
Retail FMCG | National | Privately Owned | Engaged by MD
The case: Subsequent to the recent global pandemic, our client engaged stratITgy to build a comprehensive, robust Business Continuity Plan (BCP) with an integrated IT Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP).
stratITgy's achievements: We worked with key stakeholders at all levels across the business with a broad geography to determine the risk appetite of each business function. We utilised our best in class methodologies and frameworks to map our client’s risk against their business processes and underlying IT platform. We updated their enterprise architectures for applications, IT infrastructure, communication networks and documented their strategic IT vendors. We compiled, tested and communicated their new Business Continuity Plan (BCP) and integrated Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP). We provided fifteen detailed recommendations to improve their IT security, data integration and IT infrastructure. Further, we negotiated changes in several of our client’s vendor contracts to align with the new plans.